Hi I'm struggling with some of the same issues - I want to support romance writers and writing and I do that by reading and reviewing. What's the point though in negative reviews if they turn readers away? But equally, to quote The Incredibles, 'if everyone is super, no-one will be'. I also try and separate the content of the romance from the craft of writing it. This is tricky too, as what a 'mediocre' writer needs is practice, and they get that from being encouraged to write more. But no amount of practice will help with characters doing things that are horrible to me, cos that's subjective. And so it goes... But love your newsletter, and love this (honest) reading roundup - keep them coming please!

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Yes! Love the Incredibles quote. 😂 One definitely has to learn the difference between different sources of rave reviews: not just people who have different tastes from you, but also people who seem to gush about everything.

Thank you for reading!

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I used to read a lot of historical romance but I must have missed Connie Brockaway--would like to give her a try. And Only in Your Dreams sounds cute. I loved your description of the DNFs!

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Yes, go read Brockway! She has so many memorable stories and most take place outside of the ballroom.

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love your review of the stalker romance and dark romance. i've tried several popular darker romances and, (I suspect Bramble isn't editing their KU acquisitoins), but it hits too many squicks and I don't know how to talk about that. I like the way you did it here.

I liked one of Cassandra Gannon's pieces, which was called Not Another Vampire novel, but it did go on a bit. It was very goofy. Thank you for continuing to do these reviews.

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Any writer who places work into the public arena, me included, is fishing for reader’s time, attention and money. These are extremely scarce and valuable resources. In this activity every writer is on the same level plain, there is no punching down, only an honest response to the request. A review has only one virtue, an honest, courteous opinion, the most negative opinion can be expressed clearly without rudeness. Honesty will develop reader's trust that you care about what you read and agree or disagree this will engage them and illuminate the stories you write about. This is the best way to support readers and writers.

I have no interest in romance genre stories. I greatly enjoy your thoughtful enthusiasm.

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