Shelf Love: romance novel discourse
Shelf Love: Romantic Love Stories in Pop Culture
Romance-Friendly Bookstores with Copper Dog Books (everything about the supply chain you've never thought to ask)

Romance-Friendly Bookstores with Copper Dog Books (everything about the supply chain you've never thought to ask)

Romance-Friendly Bookstores with Copper Dog Books (and everything about the supply chain you've never thought to ask)!

Copper Dog Books is an independently-owned, genre-inclusive bookstore in Beverly, MA and co-owners Julie Karaganis & Meg Wasmer join Shelf Love to share the joys, challenges, and future possibilities for romance in brick and mortar bookstores. 

Guests: Copper Dog Books: co-owners Julie Karaganis & Meg Wasmer

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Meg is looking for kinky books with warm fuzzies, a la Sunstone, a graphic novel series by Stjepan Šejić. Let her know if you know of the perfect recommendation @megpyre on Twitter


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Shelf Love: romance novel discourse
Shelf Love: Romantic Love Stories in Pop Culture
Shelf Love explores fictional stories of romantic love across media, time, and cultures. For the curious and open-minded who joyfully question as they consume pop culture. What's love got to do with it? Quite a bit!
From the page to the stage, on the screen or in the wrestling ring: Shelf Love invites experts to share their knowledge and love for diverse genres and how they help us explore romantic love, including romance novels, comic books, soap operas, romantic comedies, video games, oral stories, advertisements, and more, and introduces theory alongside applications and accessible explanations.