Shelf Love: romance novel discourse
Shelf Love: Romantic Love Stories in Pop Culture
083. Earth is Ghetto: Joyless Hags Book Club

083. Earth is Ghetto: Joyless Hags Book Club

1 Bonkers Book; 3 Joyless Hags. If you could escape earth, would you happily hitch your wagon to a lizard-man's space ship? When we scratch the surface of alien abduction romance, what do we find, and does insta-love exist? All of these questions are answered in the first ever Joyless Hags Book Club. I'm joined by Tasha L. Harrison and Katrina Jackson to discuss Alien Mate Experiment by Zenobia Renquist.


Show Notes:

Shelf Love:


Katrina Jackson: Twitter | Instagram | Kat’s Email newsletter | Buy Beautiful & Dirty

Tasha L. Harrison: Twitter | Tasha's website | Buy A Taste of Her Own Medicine


We Discuss:

Shelf Love: romance novel discourse
Shelf Love: Romantic Love Stories in Pop Culture
Shelf Love explores fictional stories of romantic love across media, time, and cultures. For the curious and open-minded who joyfully question as they consume pop culture. What's love got to do with it? Quite a bit!
From the page to the stage, on the screen or in the wrestling ring: Shelf Love invites experts to share their knowledge and love for diverse genres and how they help us explore romantic love, including romance novels, comic books, soap operas, romantic comedies, video games, oral stories, advertisements, and more, and introduces theory alongside applications and accessible explanations.