Have you ever wondered when Shelf Love would finally cover the unholy marriage of Colonialism, Imperialism, Capitalism, and White Supremacy? Dr. Margo Hendricks drops in to explain why you can't talk about just one because they're inextricably linked. Yes, this is still a romance novel podcast!
Show Notes:
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Check out Shelf Love’s updated website including the transcript for this episode
Guest: Dr. Margo Hendricks
Article we talk about:
Archives and Histories of Racial Capitalism: An Afterward by Jennifer L. Morgan
Episodes Mentioned:
073 & 074 about The Secular Scripture by Northrop Frye with Dr. Angela Toscano
077 & 078 with Dame Jodie Slaughter about Twilight and Bridgerton (noodling on some ideas that eventually became my current research project)
To Be Alone With You by Jodie Slaughter: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08Y92DR54/
A very short starter reading list sent by Dr. Hendricks:
Richard Hakluyt, Voyages and Discoveries: Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, & Discoveries of the English
Imtiaz Habib, Black Lives in the English Archives, 1500-1677
Gretchen Holbrook Gerzina, Black London Before Emancipation
Paul Gilroy, The Black Atlantic
Annette Gordon-Reed, Racism in America
The Vision of China in the English Literature of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century. Edited by Adrian Hsia, Chinese U P, 1998
Connexions: Histories of Race and Sex in North America, eds., Jennifer Brier, Jim Downs, Jennifer L. Morgan
Stephanie Camp, "Early European Views of African Bodies: Beauty," Sexuality and Slavery, ed. Daina Ramey Berry and Leslie M. Harris
Jerng, Mark C. Racial Worldmaking: The Power of Popular Fiction (2018)
Baez, Jillian, "Navigating and Negotiating Latina Beauty" (In Search of Belonging: Latinas, Media, and Citizenship) (2018)
Akhimie, Patricia, Shakespeare and the Cultivation of Difference: Race and conduct in the Early Modern World
Readers: Critical Race Theory, Critical White Studies, Critical Indigenous Studies
Elizabeth Kingston, "Romanticizing White Supremacy" (2018)
Chess, Simone, Male-to-Female Crossdressing in Early Modern English Literature: Gender, Performance, and Queer Relations
Asexualities: Feminist and Queer Perspectives. Ed. Karli June Cerankowski and Megan Milks. New York: Routledge, 2014.
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